How to Clean a Uniform

the teamIf you wear a uniform to work, you know how important it is to keep it clean and fresh at all times. Not only do you represent your employer when you wear it, but you also show the world that you take pride in your work and your appearance. If your uniform is dingy, faded, or dirty, it doesn’t give off the best impression. Improper care can also damage or shrink your uniform. Take a look at these different types of uniforms and advice on how to care for them:

School Uniforms

When you wash your school uniform, it is best to bring your clothes to a professional for treatment. For items like jackets, ties, and coats that are not meant to be washed regularly, consider spraying them with a fabric protector to prevent stains.

Sports Uniforms

From blood to grass to sweat, sports uniforms tend to attract stains almost every time you wear them. A professional cleaner will have the right treatment in mind to help remove those hard-to-get-out stains.

Work Uniforms

If your work uniforms become stained, it is best to treat the stain as soon as possible so that it doesn’t set inand become permanent. Like with sports uniforms, use a product meant for stain removal or use a combination of cool water and soap. Not only does it help with odor removal, but it also softens your clothing and helps work against stains and fading. You may also want to use a lint brush after ironing.

Go with a Professional

The best way to take care of your uniform and remove the guesswork is to rely on a professional cleaning service. Whether you work in a restaurant or play on a baseball team, a dry cleaner like Classic Touch Cleaners will take your specific type of uniform into consideration and treat it properly to remove any stains or odors without damaging or shrinking it. Classic Touch is located at 2625 Piedmont Road in Buckhead.