Does Dry Cleaning Kill Bed Bugs and Dust Mites?

Bed bugs and dust mites are some of the smallest insects potentially living in your house. In fact, many people don’t even know they have dust mites because they are so small. Bed bugs, on the other hand, will likely produce bites before they’re discovered because they typically live imbedded in your mattress. Do you know what to do if you get bed bugs? Or dust mites?

Call upon professionals immediately, before the infestation escalates. Exterminators are familiar with these critters, but dry cleaners are especially familiar with ridding what you can’t/don’t want to throw away following an infestation. Does dry cleaning kill bed bugs and dust mites? Absolutely. The combination of heat, expertise and in some cases, special solutions, will ensure that your bedding, upholstery, clothing and other fabrics are completely sterile. You will want to ensure that your house is ridded of them before your pick up your laundry and bring it home.

It is recommended that you speak with your dry cleaner before heading over with loads of infested fabrics. Why? One reason is that bed bugs are transferrable—how do you think they found their way into your house? They’re notorious for hitching rides from hotels, hostels and other people’s homes into yours. If the infestation is particularly bad, your dry cleaner may not want to risk it and decline to do your garments.

Dust mites are a slightly different story, but you can rest assured that dry cleaning kills dust mites, as well. They’re more delicate and less noticeable; they can typically be eradicated more easily with heated steam, vapor or a cycle in a hot dryer. Since they’re less visible, you may want to consider having things like drapes, slip covers and rugs dry cleaned at least on a semi-annual basis.

If you think you have bed bugs or dust mites, don’t panic. Contact us today—we’re happy to provide you with guidance to help solve your problems—and decide which approach for eradication works best for you.

Call Classic Touch Cleaners at 404-365-8660 today!

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